Four Signs ThermiVa® Treatment is for You

By: Dr. Thomas Terence Easter


Many women are looking for ways to look and feel their best, especially when issues with vaginal laxity cause them to feel self-conscious. ThermiVa uses advanced radiofrequency energy to carefully heat the tissue and stimulate collagen production. This helps tighten and tone the vaginal area without the need for surgery.

Do you want to know if ThermiVa is right for your needs in Upland, CA? Dr. Thomas Terence Easter describes four signs that you may benefit from this noninvasive procedure below. Call our professionals at Women's Medical Group of Upland if you’d like to learn more or schedule a ThermiVa consultation.

1. Vaginal laxity

Natural age or vaginal delivery can weaken and stretch out the vaginal tissues, leading to mild to moderate looseness. Women with vaginal laxity have problems with sexual satisfaction because there is less sensation during intercourse. Even though this issue is common, it can impact a woman’s emotional health and well-being by making intercourse with a partner unpleasurable or undesirable.

2. Vaginal dryness

Vaginal dryness is another symptom that can make sex uncomfortable. Dryness is often caused by changes in hormone levels, which can occur during menopause or after childbirth. The lack of moisture increases your risk of vaginal tearing during intercourse, leading to pain and sometimes bleeding. Women in Upland, CA with this problem may also avoid intimacy altogether.

3. Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is the accidental release of urine when coughing or during activities, like exercise. Incontinence can be caused by weak pelvic floor muscles, which are responsible for keeping the bladder and other organs in place. This problem can make it difficult to participate in activities, like running or jumping, and it can also cause embarrassment during sex.

4. Vaginal appearance

Some women feel self-conscious about the appearance of their vaginal area. This may be due to changes in the skin, such as wrinkles, dryness, or discoloration. The external structures, such as the labia, may also become enlarged or asymmetrical. These changes can make a woman feel self-conscious about her body and lead to a decrease in self-esteem.

How does ThermiVa help?

ThermiVa is an effective way to improve vaginal laxity, dryness, incontinence, and appearance. Women's Medical Group of Upland uses cutting-edge radiofrequency energy to carefully heat the vaginal tissue and stimulate new collagen production. The result is better natural elasticity, healthier vaginal tissue, and improved sexual function.

ThermiVa is a simple in-office procedure that does not require general anesthesia or downtime. Patients can rest knowing that incisions and injections are not involved. Most women report significant improvements after just a few sessions with our team. Our ThermiVa specialists can help decide if this procedure is right for your needs during a comprehensive health assessment.

Manage your symptoms

Problems like vaginal dryness and urinary incontinence can make sex uncomfortable and unenjoyable. If you are struggling with these or similar issues, call Women's Medical Group of Upland. Dr. Thomas Terence Easter and our staff offer a variety of effective procedures, like ThermiVa in Upland, CA. We can help you feel great and enjoy a healthy and fulfilling sex life.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.