When Is the Best Time In My Life to Consider Vaginoplasty?

By: Dr. Thomas Terence Easter


Vaginal rejuvenation surgery is becoming more and more popular each year, in part due to celebrity influence and the normalization of the subject. At Women’s Medical Group of Upland, board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Thomas Terence Easter helps patients feel more comfortable and confident about their intimate appearance and have a more enjoyable sexual experience with a wide range of vaginal rejuvenation surgeries, including vaginoplasty. Read on to learn more about how vaginoplasty works, what results are possible with vaginoplasty, and why timing is important when it comes to scheduling your vaginoplasty surgery.

What is a vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty is a type of vaginal rejuvenation surgery that addresses loose, stretched, or weakened vaginal muscles and tissues. Most often, vaginal muscles become loose due to changes associated with pregnancy and vaginal-delivery childbirth, but the tissues can also become stretched or weakened as a result of aging, weight fluctuation, and other factors. With vaginoplasty surgery, Dr. Easter can tighten and reinforce the muscles and reduce the size of the vaginal opening to alleviate a number of unwanted symptoms, including:

  • Poor sexual experience
  • Urinary leakage
  • Low self-esteem

How is vaginoplasty surgery performed?

Dr. Easter performs vaginoplasty using general anesthesia at an accredited surgical facility, and the procedure typically takes about 1 – 2 hours to complete. To ensure minimal scarring, Dr. Easter places his vaginoplasty incisions within the natural lines and contours of the body as completely as possible. Through these incisions, Dr. Easter tightens the vaginal muscles and tissues, and reduces the vaginal mucosa in order to restore more youthful anatomy, improving both the form and function of the vagina.

If desired, vaginoplasty surgery can be combined with a labiaplasty – which addresses concerns regarding the labia minora, such as:

  • Long labia
  • Hanging labia
  • Stretched-out labia
  • Asymmetric labia
  • Discomfort with sexual intercourse
  • Recurrent infection
  • Pain while sitting or wearing tight clothing
  • Embarrassment about appearance of labia in leggings or swimsuit

When should I get a vaginoplasty?

While vaginal rejuvenation surgery can certainly be beneficial at almost any age, there are several things to consider when determining the most appropriate time for your procedure. One of the most important considerations for the timing of a vaginoplasty is whether or not you are planning to have more children. Having children after vaginal rejuvenation surgery can severely compromise or even reverse the outcome of the procedure, leading to the need for a second or subsequent revision surgery. For this reason, patients are strongly encouraged to defer vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, and other vaginal rejuvenation procedures until they are certain that they are done having children. It is also important for patients to be committed to maintaining a stable weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise, as weight gain following vaginal rejuvenation surgery can also compromise the original results.

By living a healthy lifestyle and waiting until you are done having children to undergo vaginoplasty surgery, your life-changing enhancements can last for decades to come.

Feel more feminine than ever with vaginoplasty surgery in Upland, CA

If a loose vagina or long labia is causing embarrassing, uncomfortable, or discouraging symptoms, you are not alone. Join the many women in the Claremont/Upland area who have transformed their lives with vaginal rejuvenation surgery. Take the first step toward improved self-confidence and an enhanced sexual experience by calling Women’s Medical Group of Upland to schedule your one-on-one consultation for vaginal rejuvenation surgery with board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Thomas Terence Easter today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.